Friday, October 5, 2012

Angry Beta

 This is a portrait of the beta Ric and I own. He likes  to flare up when he thinks there is a predator near by. But I think we trained him to flare up every time he sees us because we feed him right afterwards. LOL! Another 5 by 5 inch, acrylic painting on sketchbook paper.
 I just added these two pictures using natural light, I think they turned out much better as you can see the different shades of blue.

Representational Still Life: A Rose

 This is an Acrylic on sketchbook paper, 5 by 5 inches. I was inspired to paint this after viewing my friend Mara's entry into the Five By Five art show. Of course, I missed the deadline to enter, but I was still inspired to paint away! Hurray!

Kazi Portrait

 I decided to go simple and just paint away not thinking about adding anything intricate in the background. The reason being, I wanted to just focus on using neutral colors and not add any other bright colors. I seriously did think about adding trees just like the image I used for inspiration. I wanted it to be my own and incorporate a still life appearance to the piece. Let me know if you think I added too much white on the sides. Im still debating on that one. However, I wanted to try to balance out the picture with contrasting colors. What yall think? :-)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


 This was a painting I have done inspired by a tiger book I had recieved from my sister Therese. It had this beautiful pose of a tiger walking. As I love the image of tigers and enjoy fishing I decided to combine the two! It looks as though the tiger is observing a fisherman from afar. Though in reality, this is not the typical environment of a tiger. These cat's usually roam in tall grass. I wanted to use the color red because it serves as a beautiful sunset though the color red represents the feeling of anger.
 Once apon a time, I took a trip with my family that was living in the Phillippines to visit a Garden. It was not far from the location of Jose Rizal's statue reinactment. I was inspired to paint this from a picture after that day. I thought it deserved to be painted as it looked proportionately balanced with the color formation as we walked through the covered walkway along the garden path.

Addition to Manila series

 As I was viewing my sister Katy's pictures from the Phillippines, I came across this one. I thought it was so beautiful with the trees and plants surounding this little girl. It inspired me to paint this girl as a rememberence of the Phillippines. I honestly do not know much about this girl, no story to tell. Just a girl that seemed happy to meet Katy as she shared Jesus with those she met.