Friday, October 5, 2012

Angry Beta

 This is a portrait of the beta Ric and I own. He likes  to flare up when he thinks there is a predator near by. But I think we trained him to flare up every time he sees us because we feed him right afterwards. LOL! Another 5 by 5 inch, acrylic painting on sketchbook paper.
 I just added these two pictures using natural light, I think they turned out much better as you can see the different shades of blue.


Clare Polcar said...

Unfortunately, the sun went down so I did not get the good natural light setting on this piece. However, I still think it turned out alright. What yall think?

Therese said...

I think it's a little hard to make out because of the glare, but I really like the red and blue colors of the beta.